
[VSCode] 解決 Windows 10 1903 開啟 VSCode 內嵌 Terminal 終端機視窗跳出問題

markdown ### 問題 在 VS Code 開啟終端機時, 命令視窗是跳出式而非內嵌在 VS Code 內 ### 環境 - Windows 10 1903 版本 - VS Code 1.36.1 ### 解決方法 開啟設定,搜尋 conpty 把選項 Terminal > Integrated: Windows Enable Conpty 勾消即可 ### 參考連結 - [Terminal is always launching externally when ConPTY is turned on](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/73790) - [Intergrated terminal is pop out](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/78670) - [How do I get around the verified bug in Windows 1903 and launch the VSCode integrated terminal?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56154957/how-do-i-get-around-the-verified-bug-in-windows-1903-and-launch-the-vscode-integ)