
PHP backend for Silverlight

Using .NET with Silverlight is great choice, and I can do so at work environment. However, I often working with PHP/MySQL at home. I wonder if I can do PHP with Silverlight doing INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/RETRIEVE data.

Interesting in using PHP backend for Silverlight?
Check PHP backend for Silverlight

Some more links:
Writing Silverlight applications in PHP


Use WCF in Silverlight 2

I don't know why I have to set BasicHttpBinding, and EndpointAddress parameters while calling WCF.

In silverlight tutorial always use below:
Dim client As New ServiceReference1.SimpleWCFClient ()

BUT, I have to declare like below syntax to make it work. It is not so dynamic coding, since I have to give the WCF file URL.

Dim client As New ServiceReference1.SimpleWCFClient ( _
New BasicHttpBinding, _
New EndpointAddress("http://localhost/SilverlightApp_Web/SimpleWCF.svc") _

Event Handler in VB.NET/C#

I am using VB.NET at work, but currently most of the tutorials for learning Silverlight taught in C#. I am not that familiar with C#, although I understand other similar programming language such as Java. As a result, I need to write it down for looking up in the future.

Event Handler Syntax in VB/C#:

Bold: Event Name
Bold Itatlic: Event Function

VB Syntax:

AddHandler wcService.DownloadStringCompleted, AddressOf wcService_DownloadStoriesCompleted

C# Syntax:

wcService.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(wcService_DownloadStoriesCompleted);